A common Garage Door concern : Repair or Replacement?

A common Garage Door concern : Repair or Replacement?

Most often, a minor garage door issue can be fixed easily by repairing the damage. However, in some cases, one needs to weigh repair and replacement, to determine which option will be best for them. This decision however, is not as easy as one might think, one needs to have some basic understanding about garage door and its functioning. Let us have a look at the factors which need to be considered to make the decision.

Common repair jobs

Garage door is much more complicated than it seems as it is made of a lot of moving parts, and hence needs repairs every so often. Common garage door repairs include:

  • Damaged or bent door track repair
  • Springs hinges, brackets, rollers or cables replacement
  • Crooked door repair
  • Door opener repair or replacement
  • Weather strips or seals replacement
  • Regular servicing and maintenance

Replacement Indicators

If your garage door is working fine and needs a repair twice or thrice in a year, your door is doing fine. However, you need to look for these signs to decide if replacement would be a better option.

  1. Severe damage

Garage doors can get severely damaged due to extreme weather conditions, vehicle accidents, severe rusting and a lot of other factors.

  1. Needs repairs very often

If you are investing your time and money every couple of months or your garage door, it might not be investing after all. If every now and then something or the other needs to be repaired, it might be a better choice to go for garage door replacement as it can save you a lot from all those repairs.

  1. Less secure

If you live in an old house or your garage door has decade old features, its high time you change your garage door as it not might be a secure one and can make your house vulnerable to burglary and other attacks. Modern day garage doors have a lot of safety features which make them superior to the old counterparts.

  1. Energy check

Latest garage doors with door openers are a lot more energy efficient than the older ones, even a couple of years old. If you have an older garage door system which needs repairs often, it is better to upgrade to the energy efficient ones.

  1. Age of the door

As we grow older, our body becomes weak and more vulnerable to diseases and we need medications and procedures to cure them. It is same with any mechanical device. The older it gets, the more weaker and more prone to damage it is. The only difference is, it can be replaced.

  1. Out of pocket expenses

if you are spending too frequently on repairs you might want to evaluate if the cost of replacing would be lesser than the total cost of repairs. Even if the cost of repairs is less by close enough, replacing would make more sense.

Best Choice Garage Doors provide professional garage door replacement services in Georgia. We provide all kinds of garage door services. Call us at 888.558.1388 for any further queries or to schedule an appointment.